PMS or Early Pregnancy?
Navigating the two-week wait can be tough, especially as we eagerly watch for signs of early pregnancy. What makes it even trickier is that many early pregnancy symptoms can be similar those of PMS. Think bloating, breast tenderness, mood swings, changes in appetite, constipation, fatigue, headaches, back pain, acne, and even nausea and vomiting for some. It's enough to drive anyone a bit crazy during the wait! Figuring out if it's PMS or early pregnancy can vary for each person. And in early pregnancy, symptoms may differ—some might feel none at all, while others could experience everything on the list. The surefire way to confirm pregnancy? A positive pregnancy test. But keep an eye out for a missed period or implantation bleeding, which is light spotting. Implantation bleeding which resembles spotting and happens in about 25% of people who become pregnant.

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