When to take a Pregnancy Test
We all know that feeling, you are trying for a baby, just ovulated and are wondering if you conceived. You are monitoring every possible symptom that could indicate you are pregnant. All you want to do is take a pregnancy test but are not sure if it’s the right time.
The best time to take a pregnancy test is the day of your expected period or after a missed period. Although, some very sensitive pregnancy tests can detect that you are pregnant 6-10 days after conception. It is important to note that in many cases that can be too early and lead to disappointment for no reason.
For a pregnancy test to be positive the level of pregnancy hormone in your body (HCG) must be high enough for a home urine test to detect it. If you take a test before your period and it’s negative, you can still be pregnant but your pregnancy hormones are just not high enough to be detected.
It is best to take a test the day that your period is due or after it is missed. This will allow you to have the best chance of the HCG being high enough to detect. It is also best to take a pregnancy test in the morning as that is when HCG tends to be highest.
If it’s positive, call your doctor and book your first appointment.
If it’s negative, remember that even when things are perfect there is only a 20% -25% chance that conception will happen every month. It is normal if it doesn’t happen on the first try. We often forget that because we are taught from a young age that sex = pregnancy. If you don't get your period, test again in a few days. Don’t worry just keep trying 🙂
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