Fertilitae X Bird&Be
Fulfilled by our friends at Bird&Be
It takes two.
You can’t stop the clock, but you can equip your team’s eggs and sperm with preconception supplements that go above and beyond. The Power Prenatal has all the go-tos you’d expect, plus powerful antioxidants and ingredients like CoQ10 and NAC to protect both parties’ DNA and fend off everyday stressors.

What's Inside?
For Females
Daily Essentials for Females (x2)
When you’re trying (or thinking about it!), this comprehensive blend includes easy-to-absorb Iron to help your blood transport oxygen, Vitamin D for calcium absorption and immune aid, and Iodine, Zinc and Selenium for thyroid support. Already pregnant? A hybrid of Folic Acid and Methylated Folate (5-MTHF, the active form of Folic Acid) along with Vitamin B12 and Choline support fetal brain, spine and nervous system development. And while most prenatals pack a Vitamin A precursor called Beta-Carotene, this one has the vitamin preformed so it can get straight to work.
Algae Oil DHA (Omega-3) (x1)
Every cell in your body needs this Omega-3 Fatty Acid, but it’s not something you produce naturally and many diets fall short. During pregnancy, you need even more DHA because it gets used up fast for fetal brain, nervous system and eye development. Our DHA comes from algae oil so there’s no fishy aftertaste.
Essential Antioxidants for Females (x2)
There are plenty of factors that put a strain on eggs: aging, toxins, not-so-great habits, life stress and conditions such as endometriosis or PCOS. That’s where this souped-up antioxidant comes in. It’s loaded with DNA defenders such as N-Acetyl Cysteine and Vitamin E, along with Trans-Resveratrol and L-Carnitine that also help ramp up energy production.
CoQ10 (x1)
Mitochondria are like the power plants of your cells, and eggs have more mitochondria than any other cells in your body. After all, they need loads of energy to mature, protect DNA and eventually develop into embryos. Their preferred fuel source? Coenzyme Q10.
For Males
Daily Essentials for Males (x2)
Sperm do their best when they gear up for game time early—they take about two to three months to fully mature. Get ready with Vitamins A, C and E, Zinc and Selenium to help boost sperm count, motility and morphology. Meanwhile, a hybrid of Folic Acid and Methylated Folate (5-MTHF, the active form of Folic Acid) along with Vitamin B12 and Choline do their part to defend against DNA damage.
Algae Oil DHA (Omega-3) (x1)
Every cell in your body needs this omega-3 fatty acid, but it’s not something you produce naturally and many diets fall short. DHA has been shown to improve sperm across the board, from count to motility to morphology. It’s also essential for sperm’s mechanism to fertilize an egg. Our DHA comes from algae oil so there’s no fishy aftertaste.
Essential Antioxidants for Males (x3 )
Sperm are the smallest cells in the body, and are very susceptible to damage as they’re subject to whatever conditions the body is exposed to. Fight free radicals that cause DNA damage with a powered-up antioxidant formula. Trans-Resveratrol improves sperm concentration and motility, and can even reverse cell damage caused by certain pollutants. N-Acetyl Cysteine converts to the body’s most powerful detox tool, glutathione. It can regulate hormones, improve sperm count and quality *and* decrease DNA fragmentation. Finally, L-Carnitine is a key for healthy sperm concentration and motility.
CoQ10 (x1)
A little extra fuel can go a long way for sperm quality. Energizing Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to improve sperm across the board: better concentration, motility and morphology plus less DNA fragmentation.